A phrase I have learned to despise is “good enough.” We live in an age of “good enough” versus “the best.” Good enough means average. Good enough means you cut corners, get by, or do enough to get a “C” on a project or paper.  Imagine for a moment that a firefighter, police officer, paramedic, brain surgeon or professional athlete lived by the phrase “good enough?”

Here is a quote to remember and live by: “The road to the extra mile is never crowded.” The individuals who dare to travel this road reach a unique destination called “Success Street” and earn the title of “Champion.” They know that to travel this road and earn this title takes certain traits:

  • A passion for excellence! “Good enough” is not a part of the champion’s vocabulary or thinking. If something is to be done, it is done with excellence.
  • An unwavering work ethic that knows the value of hard work and determination.
  • Courage to do what he/she has never attempted, despite the odds.
  • Turning fear into a motivating force versus a barrier to success.
  • Creating the “Wow Factor” for team members, clients, and the competition.

The millionaire and famous financier John D. Rockefeller once said, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” Good enough is comfortable and does not take a lot of effort. “Great” takes effort, requires overcoming fear of failure and takes a person far beyond his or her comfort zone. Are you ready to travel the “road to the extra mile?” Here are a few things you will want to take on your journey:

  • Bring extra motivation in the form of positive people as your partners in success.
  • ●        Load your travel bag with detailed plans and strategies because the road to the extra mile will not be without distractions to success.
  • Make sure your tank is filled with the fuel of positive thinking. You will hit bumps and detours, but with a full tank of the right thoughts you will overcome all obstacles.
  • Don’t forget your road map that will guide you to greatness!

The motivational speaker and author Jim Rohn said it best, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”

We will be waiting for you on the road to the extra mile, when you arrive the celebration of life will begin!