Joe’s Letter: Keep It Simple
Yes, my life is very complicated, too…but my clients “might” be sympathetic, but likely don’t really care. What my clients want is for me to Keep it Simple.
They don’t need to hear me moan about the shortages: they already know that. They just need me to tell them what I am able to do, and how soon…if they give me the info I need to move the Ford needle.
Are they a fleet account, with FIN code, a government account with a GFIN code? Even better. In the world of shortages at Ford, I have to advise them that, if they have ordered more than their FIN/GFIN allows, it’s simple. I will have to place a retail order, with the signed CVT, and the signor’s driver’s license.
It’s simple.
When will it be scheduled? That’s not so simple. But if I keep them posted, even when I have to tell them that “there is no movement yet,” they know I am doing everything possible to help them get the unit(s) they need.
It’s also proactive.
Once the shortages are over, they will remember that, even though they might not have “liked” my updates, they have to “like” that I am keeping them updated so they can make plans and keep their boss updated.
This goes a long way to establishing long-term relationships that will serve me, well, long-term!
They will trust me when the log-jam breaks, and I’ll be able to continue to Keep it Simple.
I just remind myself that “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” You are important to them and they reflect that back to you.
My clients don’t really care to hear me wax on about “my problems…” they just want a simple response, unless/until they ask for more.
Simple. This works. Do it!
Good Selling,