Relationships – Still a Cornerstone

There’s no doubt the world of business – of buying and selling goods – has changed. It’s no longer simply going down to the corner store to purchase what you need. Or heading to the one and only dealership in town to buy that vehicle you need. The way in which we purchase goods, both for our personal use and for our businesses, is vastly different than what it once was, and some of it is probably for the better, although some would likely argue this point.

The phrase “people buy from people they like” may not be 100% accurate, but they sure do buy from people who build a relationship with them; they purchase from those who are seen as more than just a vendor. Being a partner means something, especially in the commercial vehicle world. As you read through this issue, you’ll see examples of this approach. 

The good news is this – we can still build business relationships with customers/prospects (and vendors), both those who ARE in our town/city, as well as those who are ACROSS THE COUNTRY. With technology today, it’s possible to interact across state lines with relative ease. We can (and should) form partnerships with ALL of our prospects, customers, and vendors, even if we don’t see them at the local coffee shop, restaurant, ball game, and so on. It’s important to our collective livelihoods, plus it helps with the overall state of mind when you have connections with others.

Along with the technological methods that assist with interaction, it’s also important to capitalize on opportunities to connect face-to-face, such as at trade shows, expos and conventions. And as the year gets fully underway, so do trade shows/expos, including two big ones: NADA and Work Truck Week. Hopefully you’re attending at least one, if not both of these, and will take full advantage of the ability to meet with customers, vendors, prospects, colleagues and industry experts.

Relationships are how commercial vehicle business was historically built, and even though the way we interact today might be different from how it was “back in the day”, it’s still the cornerstone of all we do. I look forward to seeing YOU this year at one, or several, live events.